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Marche du Nain Rouge - FYI

All are invited to join in the Annual Marche du Nain Rouge, a parade made up of the citizens of Detroit. Just show up! 

11:30 a.m. Music starts as the crowd gathers at our Community Stage, located at the intersection of Canfield and Second. This year, we feature Detroit-centric sets featuring: the funky, yet melodic techno musings of Strand; world famous Greektown Hotbox; the king of the bucket drummers; and the beloved Detroit-by-way-of-New-Orleans Gabriel Brass Band.

1 p.m. Should the legendary Nain Rouge appear, we will show the Nain that hope prevails in the city that rises from the ashes. Bring your sense of Detroit pride, positivity, and sense of humor. The opening ceremonies conclude with the Nain leading a procession down to the Masonic Temple at 1:30 p.m.; remember, we don't chase the Nain!

You are the parade, so come with a pan on your head or in full regalia. Bring a washboard and jug band. Wear a costume. Build a human-powered float. Put on a mask, cover your body in biodegradable glitter and sustainably harvested feathers-- whatever it takes.


AFTERPARTY runs 2:30ish - 5pm After the closing ceremony, enter the Masonic Temple's amazing Fountain Ballroom for the Marche's FREE Official Afterparty, with drinks, friends, vendor tables, and DJs spinning.

AWARDS "Best of" Parade Awards are acknowledged and presented to krewes and Detroit neighborhood groups with the best floats! We are watching!





BE RESPECTFUL of fellow parade attendees and our neighbors, residents and businesses in the area. And be cool to everyone, especially protesters. We welcome all views on the legend of the Nain Rouge.


COST  Free! There is no cost, just come out with your costume and have a good time. When the parade is done, stick around for the after parties! Watch this page for details!


COVID-19 People who have had symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a high-quality mask or respirator when indoors in public. In addition to the Official Masonic Afterparty, we have secured access to Cass Park for people to informally congregate outside. 


DOGS We love dogs, as long as they good with strangers and are leashed under the supervision of their owners. 

KID FRIENDLY? Pretty much yes for the most part. Tons of kids go to it! If your kid is creeped out by the Nain, so are we sometimes. We get it. You don't have to get that close to the Nain. We don't want to either.

PARKING Parking is available at nearby Wayne State University lot and structures. WSU parking lots and structure accept credit card, Mastercard, Visa, Discover only. The closest available parking is at Parking Structure 8 and Lot 72. PS#8 is located at 91 West Forest - $2.00 first 20 minutes and $1.00 each additional 20 minutes; maximum daily rate is $13. Lot 72 is located at 4510 Cass (northeast corner of Cass and Canfield) is $9.00 with credit card. 


WSU Student, Faculty and Staff can use their OneCard debit accounts and the OneCard standard daily rates still apply. Student OneCard Debit is $4.25 at PS#8, Lots 70 and 72. Faculty and Staff OneCard debit rate is: $7.75 at PS#8, Lots 70 and 72.

TRANSPORTATION Walk on over, or take the bus, QLine, or bike! Here's some links:


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